
Fotbollsmatcher i Premier League 2014-2015 - England

Se nedan för armaturer i engelska Premier League, Premier League, upplaga 2014-2015.

Här är matcherna:
Steg 1 för att 16 Augusti 2014
Arsenal v Crystal Palace
Burnley v Chelsea
Leicester City v Everton
Liverpool v Southampton
Manchester United mot Swansea City
Newcastle United mot Manchester City
QPR v Hull City
Stoke City mot Aston Villa
West Brom v Sunderland
West Ham mot Tottenham

Steg 2 till 23 augusti, 2014
Aston Villa v Newcastle United
Chelsea v Leicester City
Crystal Palace v West Ham United
Everton v Arsenal
Hull City mot Stoke City
Manchester City mot Liverpool
Southampton v West Brom
Sunderland v Manchester United
Swansea City v Burnley
Tottenham v QPR

Steg 3 to 30 Augusti 2014
Aston Villa mot Hull City
Burnley v Manchester United
Everton v Chelsea
Leicester City v Arsenal
Manchester City v Stoke City
Newcastle United v Crystal Palace
QPR v Sunderland
Swansea City v West Brom
Tottenham v Liverpool
West Ham United mot Southampton

Steg 4 to 13 September 2014
Arsenal mot Manchester City
Chelsea v Swansea City
Crystal Palace v Burnley
Hull City mot West Ham United
Liverpool v Aston Villa
Manchester United v QPR
Southampton v Newcastle United
Stoke City mot Leicester City
Sunderland v Tottenham
West Brom v Everton

Steg 5 för 20 September 2014
Aston Villa mot Arsenal
Burnley v Sunderland
Everton v Crystal Palace
Leicester City v Manchester United
Manchester City mot Chelsea
Newcastle United v Hull City
QPR v Stoke City
Swansea City v Southampton
Tottenham v West Brom
West Ham United mot Liverpool

Steg 6 27 September 2014
Arsenal mot Tottenham
Chelsea v Aston Villa
Crystal Palace mot Leicester City
Hull City mot Manchester City
Liverpool v Everton
Manchester United mot West Ham United
Southampton v QPR
Stoke City mot Newcastle United
Sunderland v Swansea City
West Brom v Burnley

Steg 7 för att 4 okt 2014
Aston Villa mot Manchester City
Chelsea v Arsenal
Hull City v Crystal Palace
Leicester City v Burnley
Liverpool v West Brom
Manchester United mot Everton
Sunderland v Stoke City
Swansea City v Newcastle United
Tottenham v Southampton
West Ham United v QPR

Steg 8 för att 18 okt 2014
Arsenal mot Hull City
Burnley v West Ham United
Crystal Palace v Chelsea
Everton mot Aston Villa
Manchester City v Tottenham
Newcastle United mot Leicester City
QPR v Liverpool
Southampton v Sunderland
Stoke City v Swansea City
West Brom v Manchester United

Steg 9 för att 25 Oktober 2014
Burnley v Everton
Liverpool v Hull City
Manchester United mot Chelsea
QPR v Aston Villa
Southampton mot Stoke City
Sunderland v Arsenal
Swansea City v Leicester City
Tottenham v Newcastle United
West Bromv Crystal Palace
West Ham United mot Manchester City

Stage 10 to 1 November 2014
Arsenal mot Burnley
Aston Villa v Tottenham
Chelsea v QPR
Crystal Palace v Sunderland
Everton v Swansea City
Hull City v Southampton
Leicester City v West Brom
Manchester City v Manchester United
Newcastle United mot Liverpool
Stoke City mot West Ham United

Steget 11 to 8 November 2014
Burnley v Hull City
Liverpool v Chelsea
Manchester United mot Crystal Palace
QPR v Manchester City
Southampton mot Leicester City
Sunderland v Everton
Swansea City v Arsenal
Tottenham v Stoke City
West Brom v Newcastle United
West Ham United mot Aston Villa

Etapp 12 to 22 November 2014
Arsenal mot Manchester United
Aston Villa v Southampton
Chelsea v West Brom
Crystal Palace v Liverpool
Everton v West Ham United
Hull City v Tottenham
Leicester City v Sunderland
Manchester City v Swansea City
Newcastle United v QPR
Stoke City v Burnley

Hallaren 13 to 29 November 2014
Burnley v Aston Villa
Liverpool v Stoke City
Manchester United mot Hull City
QPR v Leicester City
Southampton mot Manchester City
Sunderland v Chelsea
Swansea City v Crystal Palace
Tottenham v Everton
West Brom v Arsenal
West Ham United v Newcastle United

Steg 14 to 2 December 2014
Arsenal mot Southampton
Burnley v Newcastle United
Crystal Palace v Aston Villa
Leicester City v Liverpool
Manchester United mot Stoke City
Swansea City v QPR
West Brom v West Ham United
Chelsea v Tottenham
Everton v Hull City
Sunderland v Manchester City

Etapp 15 to 6 December 2014
Aston Villa mot Leicester City
Hull City v West Brom
Liverpool v Sunderland
Manchester City mot Everton
Newcastle United mot Chelsea
QPR v Burnley
Southampton mot Manchester United
Stoke City mot Arsenal
Tottenham v Crystal Palace
West Ham United mot Swansea City

Steget 16 to 13 December 2014
Arsenal v Newcastle United
Burnley v Southampton
Chelsea v Hull City
Crystal Palace mot Stoke City
Everton v QPR
Leicester City v Manchester City
Manchester United mot Liverpool
Sunderland v West Ham United
Swansea City v Tottenham
West Brom v Aston Villa

Scen 17 to 20 December 2014
Aston Villa mot Manchester United
Hull City v Swansea City
Liverpool v Arsenal
Manchester City v Crystal Palace
Newcastle United mot Sunderland
QPR v West Brom
Southampton v Everton
Stoke City mot Chelsea
Tottenhamv Burnley

West Ham United mot Leicester City
Arrangera 18 to 26 December 2014
Arsenal v QPR
Burnley v Liverpool
Chelsea v West Ham United
Crystal Palace v Southampton
Everton mot Stoke City
Leicester City v Tottenham
Manchester United mot Newcastle United
Sunderland v Hull City
Swansea City v Aston Villa
West Brom v Manchester City

Steg 19-28 december 2014
Aston Villa v Sunderland
Hull City mot Leicester City
Liverpool v Swansea City
Manchester City v Burnley
Newcastle United mot Everton
QPE v Crystal Palace
Southampton v Chelsea
Stoke City v West Brom
Tottenham v Manchester United
West Ham United mot Arsenal
Steg 20 to 1 januari 2015
Aston Villa v Crystal Palace
Hull City mot Everton
Liverpool v Leicester City
Manchester City v Sunderland
Newcastle United v Burnley
QPR v Swansea City
Southampton mot Arsenal
Stoke City mot Manchester United
Tottenham v Chelsea
West Ham United mot West Brom
Arrangera 21 to 10 januari 2015
Arsenal mot Stoke City
Burnley v QPR
Chelsea v Newcastle United
Crystal Palace v Tottenham
Everton v Manchester City
Leicester City v Aston Villa
Manchester United mot Southampton
Sunderland v Liverpool
Swansea City v West Ham United
West Brom v Hull City
Steget 22 to 17 januari 2015
Aston Villa v Liverpool
Burnley v Crystal Palace
Everton v West Brom
Leicester City v Stoke City
Manchester City mot Arsenal
Newcastle United v Southampton
QPR v Manchester United
Swansea City v Chelsea
Tottenham v Sunderland
West Ham United mot Hull City
Steg 23 till 31 januari 2015
Arsenal v Aston Villa
Chelsea v Manchester City
Crystal Palace v Everton
Hull City mot Newcastle United
Liverpool v West Ham United
Manchester United mot Leicester City
Southampton v Swansea City
Stoke City v QPR
Sunderland v Burnley
West Brom v Tottenham
Steg 24 to 7 februari, 2015
Aston Villa v Chelsea
Burnley v West Brom
Everton mot Liverpool
Leicester City v Crystal Palace
Manchester City mot Hull City
Newcastle United mot Stoke City
QPR v Southampton
Swansea City v Sunderland
Tottenham v Arsenal
West Ham United mot Manchester United
Steg 25-10 februari 2015
Arsenal mot Leicester City
Crystal Palace v Newcastle United
Hull City mot Aston Villa
Liverpool v Tottenham
Manchester United mot Burnley
Southampton mot West Ham United
West Brom v Swansea City
Chelsea v Everton
Stoke City mot Manchester City
Sunderland v QPR
Steget 26 to 21 feb 2015
Aston Villa mot Stoke City
Chelsea v Burnley
Crystal Palace v Arsenal
Everton v Leicester City
Hull City v QPR
Manchester City mot Newcastle United
Southampton v Liverpool
Sunderland v West Brom
Swansea City v Manchester United
Tottenham v West Ham United
Steg 27-28 februari 2015
Arsenal mot Everton
Burnley v Swansea City
Leicester City v Chelsea
Liverpool v Manchester City
Manchester United mot Sunderland
Newcastle United mot Aston Villa
QPR v Tottenham
Stoke City mot Hull City
West Bromwich Albion mot Southampton
West Ham United mot Crystal Palace
Steg 28 till 03 mars 2015
Aston Villa mot West Brom
Hull City v Sunderland
Liverpool v Burnley
QPR v Arsenal
Southampton v Crystal Palace
West Ham United mot Chelsea
Manchester City v Leicester City
Newcastle United mot Manchester United
Stoke City mot Everton
Tottenham v Swansea City
Steg 29 till 14 mars 2015
Arsenal v West Ham United
Burnley mot Manchester City
Chelsea v Southampton
Crystal Palace v QPR
Everton v Newcastle United
Leicester City mot Hull City
Manchester United mot Tottenham
Sunderland v Aston Villa
Swansea City v Liverpool
West Brom v Stoke City
Steget 30 to 21 Mar 2015
Aston Villa v Swansea City
Hull City mot Chelsea
Liverpool v Manchester United
Manchester City v West Brom
Newcastle United v Arsenal
QPR v Everton
Southampton v Burnley
Stoke City v Crystal Palace
Tottenham v Leicester City
West Ham United mot Sunderland
Steg 31-04 april 2015
Arsenal mot Liverpool
Burnley v Tottenham
Chelsea v Stoke City
Crystal Palace mot Manchester City
Everton v Southampton
Leicester City v West Ham United
Manchester United mot Aston Villa
Sunderland v Newcastle United
Swansea City v Hull City
West Brom v QPR
Omgang 32 - April 11, 2015
Burnley v Arsenal
Liverpool v Newcastle United
Manchester United mot Manchester City
QPR v Chelsea
Southampton v Hull City
Sunderland v Crystal Palace
Swansea City v Everton
Tottenhamv Aston Villa
West Brom v Leicester City
West Ham United mot Stoke City
Omgang 33 - April 18, 2015
Arsenal mot Sunderland
Aston Villa v QPR
Chelsea v Manchester United
Crystal Palace v West Brom
Everton v Burnley
Hull City mot Liverpool
Leicester City v Swansea City
Manchester City v West Ham United
Newcastle United mot Tottenham
Stoke City v Southampton
Omgang 34 - April 25, 2015
Arsenal v Chelsea
Burnley v Leicester City
Crystal Palace v Hull City
Everton v Manchester United
Manchester City mot Aston Villa
Newcastle United mot Swansea City
QPR v West Ham United
Southampton v Tottenham
Stoke City v Sunderland
West Brom v Liverpool
Omgang 35 - 2 maj, 2015
Aston Villa mot Everton
Chelsea v Crystal Palace
Hull City mot Arsenal
Leicester City v Newcastle United
Liverpool v QPR
Manchester United mot West Brom
Sunderland v Southampton
Swansea City v Stoke City
Tottenham v Manchester City
West Ham United mot Burnley
Vecka 36 - September 5, 2015
Arsenal v Swansea City
Aston Villa mot West Ham United
Chelsea v Liverpool
Crystal Palace v Manchester United
Everton mot Sunderland
Hull City v Burnley
Leicester City v Southampton
Manchester City v QPR
Newcastle United mot West Brom
Stoke City v Tottenham
Etapp 37 - 16 maj, 2015
Burnley v Stoke City
Liverpool v Crystal Palace
Manchester United mot Arsenal
QPR v Newcastle United
Southampton v Aston Villa
Sunderland v Leicester City
Swansea City v Manchester City
Tottenham v Hull City
West Brom v Chelsea
West Ham United mot Everton
Omgang 38 - 24 maj 2015
Arsenal v West Brom
Aston Villa v Burnley
Chelsea v Sunderland
Crystal Palace v Swansea City
Everton v Tottenham
Hull City mot Manchester United
Leicester City v QPR
Manchester City v Southampton
Newcastle United mot West Ham United
Stoke City mot Liverpool

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